High purity piping systems
PURAD offers a system for transporting ultra-pure media (UPW, HPW, PW, WFI) and highly aggressive chemicals (H2SO4, HCI, HF, NaOH, HNO3, etc.) and may also be used to transport aggressive exhaust air and contaminated process air.
Due to high demands in this field is it crucial that rigorous requirements are met concerning purity, chemical resistance and safety.
Many industries already use the proven AGRU Purad piping system. Food and drinks industry, life sciences and microelectronics industry as well as a variety of other industries utilise the Purad Piping System. |
Not only the industries in which the system is applied rely on purity provided by Purad but also the production of Purad itself. The equipment used to manufacture the system is under clean room class ISO 5.
The cleanliness during production offers the customer the security that everything from standard pipes to custom parts (PVDF, PP-Pure, ECTFE) can be used in modern ultra-pure media supplies. |